Monday, December 5, 2011

The Newest Member of Our Family

I'm not sure if we got any pictures of Bob-Cat up on previous entries. But here's a good time to introduce him. He is a wonderful cat and puts up with a lot of love from the kids. He even puts up with Joe reaching/grabbing for the bell on his harness. John loves to play "fishing" with the cat. Bob loves trying to catch the feathers on the end of the pole. He's also figured out the laser pointer. I think he chases the little red light just to hear us laugh.

Shawn's been doing a great job training him too. Yes, you can train a cat! He sits, stands up on hind legs, and spins. He comes when he's called/whistled and waits by the front door for the kids to open it for him. It's been fun having such a good natured member of the family.

Sleeping, Bob.

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