Thursday, December 8, 2011

Pre-holiday Enjoyment

At this time of year, I'm very grateful for children that get pure joy over empty boxes or little pillows of air (packaging cushions). The kids recently got a big box in the mail and it has been fun watching them jump on the bubbles! I had to keep Joe away from the noise, but everyone else tried their best to burst the bubbles. Jack doesn't really weigh enough to pop the plastic, but he tries!

Once the plastic was recycled, it was off to hide in the box. Bekah did it first and I couldn't believe she could curl up in such a small space. Jack closed the lid and proceeded to sit on top of the box. Kelsey wanted to try but when the lid started to close, she decided she'd had enough. Jack thought it a great place to ambush people with his squirt gun (not loaded, thank goodness!). And Joe just laughed to have the attention.

That face just says it all! That's what the holiday season is all about--pure love and great thanks for the little things in life. Thank you!

1 comment:

Gmom said...

What great pictures and Joseph is adorable! Look at that face! All the children look to be having a good time. Oh how parents could save so much money if they just gave big empty boxes to their kids when they are young. (hehe) Kids love getting in them, making tunnels, trains and forts. Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and holiday. AND we hope Bekah had a fun birthday.
Love, Gmom and Gpa