Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Great Halloween!

We all remembered last year...rainy, cold, but cleared up just as we went hunting candy for little people. This year was completely the opposite. It was almost warm and the sun was still shining at 1800 when we set out for a fun evening with the kids.

Everyone had a great time! The kids came home with a bunch of candy and were good enough to share a few pieces with Mom and Dad. Thanks, kids. Only Joe got a little fussy. We forgot his pacifier. Maybe next year he'll be better about the candy collecting.

Enjoy the pictures!

John chose to fit into his cowboy costume again. I think it has something to do with the cap guns making noise. But he loved it! The red neckerchief is a carry over of the costume he wore to school. He was Brer Rabbit there and the neckerchief was originally on a stick as Brer Rabbit's hobo bag. Good thing we can use these pieces for more than one thing! He even had a shoot-out with several neighbors as we went trick-or-treating.

Aren't those the cutest princess's ever? It's amazing that Kelsey still fit into her Snow White dress. The maroon dress looked beautiful on Bekah. Wow! And they hardly needed jackets over their pretty dresses. Amazing!

Jack had plenty of room for his candy. That honey pot has an extra pouch in the front and it got weighed down as the night progressed. Jack's trick-or-treat bucket was half the size of the other kids. Cute, but meant for littler guys who don't appreciate candy like Jack.

Joe spent the day as in a pumpkin sleep n' play. For the evening, he dressed up in a warm tiger costume. I think Jack was a little jealous, but he got over it once the candy started flowing.

One of our favorite neighbors brought home some work and chased around our kids with a robot bus. It was pretty hard to get this close. They weren't a big fan of a talking, moving bus. Ah well. It was good times.

I think next year we may see even more excitement for candy. The kids will be older and braver about approaching "strange" doors and asking for treats. They will teach Joe all about the joys of Halloween. Here's to hoping your Halloween was memorable as well!

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