Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Bike Riders

The bicycle gang that we currently have at our house consists of more bikes than riders...until friends come over. Isn't that a nice looking collection of "wheels?" Yeah, I know the horse isn't really wheels, but it takes a rider wherever he or she needs to go.

John loves his big wheel. We love how sturdy this thing is. He was even practicing turning and skidding. We were lucky not to have any snow on the sidewalk for him to get up some good speed. And that rear seat is just big enough to turn around and enjoy a comfy break spot.

Bekah has already learned how to be a big girl on a tricycle. She's been using John and Kelsey's for the past summer months (whenever the other two weren't looking). Now, she has her own bike, complete with stickers! And it looks like she'll be practicing on John's bike when he needs a break from all the hard work of being the big brother.

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