Sunday, April 20, 2008

March Updates

I'm sure you have all been wondering what The Colloton Family has been up to these past weeks. For starters, we have not been updating our blog like we should. But, honestly, nothing all that exciting has been happening. So, some boring pictures to keep you entertained.

The Saturday before Easter we went out, as a family, to get some supplies for something that we had been wanting to do for a while....CHICKENS!!! That's right, we thought it would be a fun experience to raise chickens. So we went out and bought a chicken hutch and pen for the chickens and put in an order for our chicks. They didn't have the breed we wanted at the store, so we had to wait a few weeks to get out chicks.

The kids had a blast playing with the chicks and ducklings. But there were even more excited when we could take home some chicks of our own. We bought six chicks. It looks like 2 of them are for sure roosters. Which, hopefully, means we have 4 good egg layers.

Easter was fun. We went to church, as we do every Sunday, went home and took naps. While the kids and Linda were napping I went out and hid all the eggs we had colored as well as put a few treats out for the kids and Mommy when they got up from their naps.

John and Kelsey had a great time running around and finding eggs. Granted, with kids this young just about every egg placed in a basket lands with an unmistakable cracking sound. Luckily, we had about a dozen eggs that didn't have to turn into egg salad immediately.

We tried our best to explain Easter to the kids. I think John might have gleaned a bit of knowledge from what we discussed, but that was about it. They were more excited about eating hardboiled eggs and candy than having an easter lesson.

Other than that, not much has happened...yet. Stay tuned for more updates coming soon.

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