Thursday, April 24, 2008

Bekah Mae Mae

Bekah's growing so fast! She's four months old and chewing on anything that she can get in her hands. She's cooing already, laughing at anyone who will make funny faces at her. She is our contented, happy baby. She loves watching the action around her and doesn't mind being left in her swing or car seat for an hour. She's starting to roll onto her sides! So, a whole new world will be opening up for her in about a month when she can roll and scoot. Watch out world! Here comes, Bekah Mae!

p.s. she gave us a bit of a scare the other day when I got her out of bed. The crib sheet had blood under her head. Just a bad nose bleed, but it gave me a bit of a start. None of the other kids had nose bleeds when they had a cold. It looked far worse than it actually was and she never knew the difference.

1 comment:

melissa said...

what a cutie! i cannot believe how much she reminds me of John!!