Monday, July 29, 2013

Our Newest Wolf Cub

John received his Wolf badge at Pack meeting this month!  He's worked very hard and is very proud of all he's accomplished.  He loves attending Cub Scouts and can't wait to show us some of the stuff he's learned.  He earned several belt loops (archery, astronomy, wildlife conservation, and some others I can't remember off the top of my head) at scout camp last June.  He earned so much that he was able to get one gold arrow point with a silver attached.  That's like 20 extra achievements in addition to his Wolf Badge.

He'll probably be done with mostly all of his achievements by the time he turns nine years old.  That's okay with me!  It'll give Mom a good reason to keep getting out the sewing machine to put those arrow heads on his uniform.  Good job, John!

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