Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Baby Number Six

We've been slowly telling people about the most recent addition to our family.  Well, technically, he's not here yet, but we've had pictures since week twelve.  Anyway, we're toying with Jason Daniel to finish off the boy "J" names but we won't put that into stone until he arrives.  That date should be the end of July or first part of August.

The kids are truly excited (especially the girls).  Joe still doesn't fully understand--typical of a two year-old.  Jack thinks he's having a baby too (helps him get sips of Mommy's soda).  Actually,  I think all of the kids have tried that last one with every pregnancy.  It's just there are a lot more kids to try to "share" the soda now.

But we're looking forward to another baby boy and hopefully we'll keep posting more until his arrival.  Can't guarantee how many updates we'll have right after the birth, but I'll try to keep you posted.

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