Thursday, November 22, 2012

Our Firepit

We found a pit in the backyard and Shawn immediately had an awesome dream/vision of what we could put in it.  Sure, we could fill it in and put grass on top; but that's mundane.  Everyone's done that.  How 'bout we put a ring of rocks around it and put a fire in it?  Say!  That's an idea!

Remember those stepping stones from the front yard?  Well, they had to move from there when I decided to put some grass in the dirt.  Then, they had to move from their temporary home by the side of the patio when I expanded that.  So, why not ring the pit?

Sounds like a plan.  So, after a couple of days of hauling sand to make it "a bit" more level (it still dips and rises in places), we had our very own firepit.  We've cleared out dry brush that was just sitting at the side of our house begging for a stray spark or something to catch it on fire.  And then we chopped down a bunch of fallen trees that were leaning against the fence.  Three different fires; hot dogs; marshmallows; and that all equals some happy kids and parents.

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