Thursday, September 4, 2008

Something Old...Something New

I thought I'd update our blog a little with an old picture and a new picture or two. Here's some fun we've had this last summer! Enjoy the pics!

This is from our camping adventure for my mom's birthday! The kids got this dirty in a little over an hour. It was fun bringing them home the following day and finding the bathtub ring a LOT darker than we'd hoped. Fun for Mommy! But aren't they cute?

The kids...doing kid things. John's favorite face is the one at the bottom. And no...we're not going to tell him if he holds his face that way for too long that it'll stick.

The following video is of the wind we had the day before Labor Day. I was feeling a bit cooped up inside and it was getting very stormy. But we had some fun before it really started raining! What fun John had chasing the little stroller! I don't think I've laughed so hard in a long time! Enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this video, it was a crack up! Hope you are all well, we miss you all lots JULIE