Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Addition and Subtraction

We gained and lost a member of the family this month. After ten years of faithful service, Shawn's Malibu moved on to a new home. We cleaned him up and made him look nice. Then, for his last photo op, Shawn shot pretty professional looking pictures. The car was fun to drive and comfy inside...and all the kids loved going in Daddy's car. But we decided after taking the van to the fix-it shop that we needed another vehicle that would fit the whole family.

So, we started SUV hunting and found someone willing to trade straight across. They wanted something that would get better gas mileage and we needed something that seated nine. What we found, was a Sean in need of a Malibu and a Shawn in need of an Expedition. After meeting up in Spanish Fork, we got keys for a big "manly" truck and Sean drove off in the Malibu he was looking for. Crazy!? Maybe we should do this when we want a house?

Anyway, the kids love riding in Daddy's "truck." It has a V8 engine and Shawn loves the "Varoooom!" that the truck gives every time it starts up. We can certainly tell when Daddy's coming home! We can hear him coming! It's the greatest people mover we offense to the minivan...but it doesn't seat nine.