Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Crazy Hair Day

So, I've gotten a little behind.  Actually, it's about a month behind from the pictures I've had stored on the camera.  So sorry.  Well, here's to updating the blog with several posts over several days!  Enjoy!

The kids had a "Crazy Hair" day at school and Bekah and Kelsey decided curly hair was the way to go.  This was perfect since we had planned that evening to spend it as a "Girls' Night" while the boys went on a Father's and Son's campout.

Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of Kelsey before she left for school, but Bekah was all smiles for her picture.  The boys, not to be outdone by their sister, wanted their pictures taken as well.  I didn't do any curls in their hair but Joe wanted rollers in his hair too.  Ah well.  Maybe when you're older, Joe.

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